Product number: 3580.778016

Colour gilding bath Savor FF

ready to use - 1 l

Colour gilding bath Savor FF
The SAVOR Colour Gilding Baths , cyanide bearing electrolytes, are used for decorative gilding with alloy deposits varying in composition and therefore colouring. The various gold shades comply with the Swiss NIHS Colour Standard. As a rule non-ferrous metals and stainless steel should be pre-plated before gilding. The acidic Pre-plating Gold Bath AC3 SSF (Ref no. 3070100102) is ideally suited for this.
WILAPLAT Coloured Gold Baths SAVOR are used in conventional electro-plating units such as the WILAPLAT System. Before coating the work pieces must be cleaned and degreased.

  • Gold content** (g/l): 1.0

  • Temperature (°C): 50 – 60

  • Exposure time (sec): 20 – 30

  • Voltage (Volt): 6 – 8

  • Current Density (A/dm²): 1.0 – 1.6

  • Deposition Rate (mg/Amin): 20

  • Agitation: not required

  • Anodes: Stainless steel

  • Tank material: glass, plastic

  • Hardness (HV): 120 - 160

  • Layer Thickness (µm): max. 0.25

Supply form: ready for use
Content (l): 1
Colour: 24 ct
Original Wieland Nr. 3100100602
Hazardous material: NO
Regeneration: After bath analysis for gold and cyanide content, add Savor Regeneration Solution, containing 10 g Au/l as required.

**The content of precious metal will be charged according to the daily quotation !
Product number: 3580.778016

Colour gilding bath Savor FF

ready to use - 1 l