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Product number: 4060.LP5-D

LaserPecker LP5 - class 4 - Deluxe Bundle

incl. Slide & Rotary Extension

Product details
Available soon

The most powerful, smallest and most compact all-in-one laser engraver in the industry with a 20W fibre laser and a 20W diode laser. The LaserPecker LP5 is versatile and can be used for engraving on almost all materials.

Warning: This laser is certified as a class 4 laser and may only be used by persons with advanced training as laser safety officers!

The LaserPecker Deluxe Bundle consists of:
- LaserPecker 5 Basic Version
- Rotary Extension
- Slide Extension

Please ask for individual dealer conditions for resale!

Needed accessory:

4060.B278 Laser safety goggles

  • Intelligent dual laser for almost all materials: 20W fibre laser and 20W diode laser:
    • 20 W fibre laser for example for stainless steel, aluminium, copper, silver, plastic, platinum, titanium and gold
    • 20W diode laser for example for woo, acrylic, leather, glass, stone, paper, rubber or even food
  • High engraving speed of up to 10,000 mn/s
  • More powerful engraving: deep engraving (more depth with clean, well-defined lines), 3D greyscale checking on wood, stone and metals, colour engraving
  • Precise cutting of metal, wood or acrylic
  • User-friendly software / app with more functions
  • Engraves on irregular surfaces and cylinders with the help of Rotary Exension
  • Large engraving area with the Slide Exension

Please ALWAYS wear laser safety goggles or use the safety cover when using the LaserPecker 5.

Product number: 4060.LP5-D

LaserPecker LP5 - class 4 - Deluxe Bundle

incl. Slide & Rotary Extension
