Codice prodotto: 4239.310

Filo per saldatura PUK in puro titanio Ø 0,3 mm

Filo per saldatura PUK in puro titanio Ø 0,3 mm
Welding wires are available in numerous alloys and material thicknesses and are suitable for a wide range of applications – including repairing surfaces, filling defects, restoring edges, bridging material gaps in a weld or hardening surfaces.

For good results with welding rods, note that cleanliness is the most important weld preparation:

  • For a successful weld, it is very important that the welding area is carefully cleaned.
    Contamination, oxides, oil or wax layers make a good welding result impossible.

  • The welds must be metallically clean.
    Depending on the contamination, chemical cleaning agents or metal-cutting processes are very suitable for cleaning the welds.
    In the case of light soiling or adhesions, cleaning by means of an ultrasonic unit is also recommended.

Welding wire for titanium
Unalloyed titanium wire (grade 2) for similar welds on weldable titanium grades.
The wire is characterized by high resistance to cracking.
When welding on titanium, a clean welding area and optimum shielding gas coverage (with argon 4.6 or higher) are very important.

Titanium 1000 mm x 0,30 mm
Codice prodotto: 4239.310

Filo per saldatura PUK in puro titanio Ø 0,3 mm